Donate to Executive Chaplain Steve Lowe by clicking the box below.
Dear Friend of the Unseen,
In our tumultuous world today, there are many people groups in need of Christian compassion and care taking. It weighs heavily on the heart of any compassionate person to see people displaced by natural disasters and wars, fleeing with nothing but a bag on their shoulders. So many needs, so many different opinions on how to meet these needs, and such difficulty in carrying out effective strategies to address the multiple demands of displaced families fleeing for their lives. The media presents those in need every hour every day and it weighs on the caring heart. However, amid ongoing suffering worldwide, Pacific Youth remains committed to another people group who are in many ways as desperate in their situation as those we see and read about daily.
There are roughly 50,000 youth incarcerated in an estimated 1,200 public juvenile facilities nationwide. They represent a largely “unreached people group” even though they live in America. They remain largely, and sadly, unseen by the church. Even congregations who might have some form of jail and/or prison ministry do not see this population of hurting youth. Juveniles are simply not on their radar! Youth as young as nine years of age join teenagers in this unseen world while the church remains curiously blind to their acute need for redemption and restoration.
Once again, however, Pacific Youth sees this youthful people group with 20/20 vision, coupling this clear sightedness with a seasoned ministry team providing effective ministry delivery every day. While the world at large struggles with what to do with war-torn displaced families, Pacific Youth has learned and incorporated what has proven effective in assisting troubled youth move beyond delinquency into maturity. Our Pacific Youth corporate staff has over 330 years of combined experience! We would never call ourselves “experts” but can confidently say God has given us a high level of expertise. The team is knowledgeable, committed to specialized caretaking, and on the front lines of correctional ministry day in and day out.
Your investment in Pacific Youth means that in twelve counties and fifty juvenile and adult facilities in California and Texas (the largest states in America incarcerating the most youth and adults) thousands of residents “behind the walls” receive Pacific Youth caretaking every week! I and my staff are in place to guide and supervise this critical ministry because of your generosity and gracious prayers. For your faithfully standing with us, we thank you from our deepest place.
In His service,
R. Steve Lowe-President/Founder
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